Mindblown: a blog about philosophy and other things.

  • Ghosting-How passive aggressive behavior leads to the de-socialization of our society

    Ghosting, the act of abruptly cutting off communication with someone without explanation or warning, has become a pervasive issue in our society. This passive-aggressive behavior can have severe consequences, from hurting someone’s feelings to causing long-term psychological damage. Unfortunately, ghosting has become normalized in today’s culture, contributing to the desocialization of our civilization. The Consequences…

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS): The Future of Online Learning

    ForewordIn recent years, Learning Management Systems (LMS) have emerged as a popular and effective tool for organizations of all sizes to manage their training programs and track learner progress. As the demand for online learning continues to grow, LMS has become a better choice for academic institutions, particularly as we move forward in the social…

  • Why do we Exist?

    Why do we Exist? Introduction Since the dawn of human civilization, one of the most fundamental of questions that has puzzled mankind is “Why do we exist?” This question has been a subject of contemplation and debate for centuries, and there is no one answer that can satisfy all individuals. In this piece, we will…

  • The Overratedness of Grammar and Word Pronunciation

    When it comes to language, grammar, and pronunciation are often seen as crucial components for effective communication. However, it can be argued that the importance placed on these aspects of language is often overrated and can even hinder communication at times. Firstly, let’s examine grammar. While proper grammar can certainly make a piece of writing…

  • quantum mechanics for the lazy reader

    Understanding incredibly small objects, such as the minuscule particles that comprise everything around us, is possible because of quantum physics. These particles have wave-like characteristics and are capable of existing in multiple states simultaneously. Because of this, it is difficult to forecast what they will do; instead, scientists can only make educated guesses about how…

  • Lets talk about qualifications?

    Hey folks, have you ever felt like your qualifications and experience were being completely ignored at work? Like you’re just another face in the crowd of nameless, faceless employees? Well, don’t worry – I’ve got the solution! With my extensive knowledge, experience, and education, I am committed to creating a career that is truly unique…

  • how do I earn more money in 2023?

    As I sit here contemplating the age-old question of how to earn more money, my mind wanders to the words of the great J.D. Salinger, who once wrote, “Money is like a sixth sense – and you can’t make use of the other five without it.” And indeed, in our modern world, money is essential…

  • replacing the us dollar in the oil market?

    There have been discussions and proposals in the past to replace the US dollar as the primary currency used in the global oil trade, but as of 4/22/2023, the US dollar remains the dominant currency used for oil transactions. The US dollar has been the dominant currency for oil trading for several decades, and this…

  • Therapists may use a variety of quotes…

    Therapists may use a variety of quotes to help their clients gain perspective, insight, and motivation. Here are some examples: These are just a few examples, and different therapists may use different quotes depending on their style and approach.

  • Cats last will and testament

    With paws for quills and ink for fur, I’ll write a will, so listen, sir. To all who read, I bid adieu, My time has come, it’s sad but true. To the lonely cat, without a home, Who roams the streets, all alone, I leave my house, my bowl, my bed, And all the cozy…

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